How much breastmilk does a baby need in the first year of life?

If you breastfeed your baby, you give him the opportunity to consume exactly as much milk as he needs at that moment. But every mom has moments when she needs to get out of the  house. Go to work, go and meet with friends, or just stay for a while in the role of just a woman, and not the mother of a baby. In this case, it is essential to know exactly how much breast milk needs to be expressed in order to ensure that the child is fully nourished for the entire time the mother is away.

How much breast milk does a baby need in the first month?

It is known that from 1 to 6 months of life, a child consumes approximately the same amount of breast milk. But from the moment of birth until 1 month, it’s different. Every day the child is developing actively, the volume of his stomach increases. Accordingly, the amount of milk he needs every day also changes.

How much breastmilk does a newborn need?

During the first week after birth, the baby usually eats about 1-2 ounces (30-60 ml) of breast milk per meal. The exact volume may vary depending on the child’s weight, health status and other factors. It is important to breastfeed or give a bottle of expressed milk as many times as needed to ensure that the baby is getting enough food.

Now you know how much breastmilk at 1 week your child needs. With each following week, the volume of milk will gradually increase. By the end of the first month, the volume of the stomach will reach its maximum and the baby will drink about 3-4 ounces (90-120 ml) of milk per feeding. Approximately the same amount will remain until 6 months — the time of the first complementary foods.

How much milk does a baby need before 6 months?

To understand how much breastmilk at 6 weeks and more a child needs, it is enough to know the average volume for a healthy child. This is usually 19-30 oz or 570-900 ml per day. Thus, one feeding session accounts in average of 3 ounces or 94 ml of milk if the child eats 8 times a day. If your baby eats more frequently/less frequently, just divide the daily amount of milk by the number of feedings.

Important. Young mothers often search on the Internet how much breastmilk at 5 months needs a child, or at 3 months, or at 4. And then they try to adjust their child to this norm at any cost, because they are worried about his health. In fact, a child can eat both more and less milk and feel better about it. A variety of factors can influence this. From the individual needs of the child to his desire, he is in direct contact with the mother during the feeding. If the doctor examines no problems, your child is fine.

How much milk do you need between the ages of 6 months and 1 year?

After 6 months, the child starts receiving his first complementary food. How much breastmilk at 6 months with solids needs a baby? At this age, breast milk is still the main source of valuable vitamins and minerals for the child. This means that he should receive 26 to 28 ounces of breast milk daily, or 750-800 ml, regardless of the number of feedings. You can use this information if you want to know how much breastmilk at 7 months a child needs or how much breastmilk at 8 months needs. Later, after 9 months, the quantity of breast milk needed changes. This is for the baby can eat and digest more solid foods. Thus, after 9 months, he will need about 17 ounces or 500 ml of milk. How much breastmilk at 10 months should a child eat? All the same 500 ml, this makes up  half of his calorie intake during the day. How much breastmilk at 11 months should you give your child? Nearly the same amount. Taking into account for his individual needs, well-being and appetite.

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