How Much Breastmilk You Should Feed To Your Newborn At 3 Weeks?

Parents typically worry about whether they give their infant enough breast milk at 3 weeks, formula, or solid food. It can be confusing because infants’ nutritional needs vary depending on age, hunger, and body weight. Fortunately, experts provide some advice. So, we’re here to provide information on how much breastmilk at three weeks child needs.

Listening to an infant’s hunger and fullness cues to guide intake is one of the most crucial things you can do instead of giving them a set quantity during each meal. Continue reading to learn about recommended feeding schedules for babies by age, and if you’re still unsure, consult a pediatrician.

Your newborn baby is starting to change from a cute but highly drowsy newborn to an almost full-grown infant. There are also significant developments and milestones due to all this growth and development.

So, get pumped! You will get paid back for the lack of sleep you’re undoubtedly experiencing. 

Colostrum (Your very first milk)

Colostrum is the fluid your breasts generate in the first few days following childbirth. It is often thick and golden yellow. Your infant will only require a modest amount—roughly a teaspoonful—at each feeding because it is a very concentrated diet. Your baby may need to be fed frequently at first, perhaps once every hour. After a few days, when your breasts produce more “mature” milk, they’ll start to feed less frequently but for more extended periods.

As you breastfeed more frequently, your milk production will increase as your baby’s sucking stimulates your supply.

So now you’ll know how much a child needs breast milk at 3 weeks.

First 24 hours of the Initiation Phase


Don’t expect your supply to be abundant immediately; instead, wait a few days as your body adjusts to producing more milk and your baby learns to feed. The first five days after birth are crucial in laying the groundwork for the rest of your nursing experience. During the first 24 hours, your baby will typically take in about a teaspoon of colostrum per feeding, which is the perfect amount for their little stomach. In actuality, each feeding only requires 5–7 mL, or 1–1 12 teaspoons, of breast milk, and your baby’s stomach is only about the size of a cherry on day one.

You shouldn’t be alarmed if your baby loses some weight after birth; nevertheless, your doctor and nurses will carefully monitor your newborn to ensure they are healthy.  Colostrum not only aids your baby’s health and nutrition but also signals to your body that it is time to start feeding or pumping so that more milk can be produced to satisfy your baby’s developing needs.

Your newborn’s tummy will have expanded to around the size of a walnut by day three. As a result, a baby’s breast milk consumption will have increased enormously in a short period, with their stomach now holding between 22 and 27 ml, or 34 and 1 ounce, per feeding. In the first week after birth, feeding your baby at least 8 to 10 times a day will help to encourage future milk production that is both healthy and plentiful.

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), most babies consume 1-2 ounces of breast milk every feeding, which they receive every two to three hours. This amount rises to 2-3 ounces when your kid is two weeks old. Watching your baby’s output is a superior strategy because it is impossible to gauge breast milk intake. If your infant wets their diaper twice per day in the first few days and then five to six times per day once they are four or five days old, they are eating enough.

24 hours to 2 weeks: The Secretory Activation (or Building) Phase

To fulfill the changing needs of your developing newborn, your body transitions from generating colostrum to releasing more developed milk throughout this phase. While the exact timing varies depending on the mother, it usually happens between 24 and 120 hours after giving birth. Some mothers may experience a more extended waiting period; in this instance, you should consult your doctor or nurse to ensure your baby gets the proper nourishment up until your milk production grows.

Mothers frequently start producing approximately 6 – 12 ounces or 500 mL of milk at the end of the first week per 24 hours. Around the same time, your baby’s stomach will have expanded to roughly the size of an apricot and be able to hold 45 to 60 mL, or 1 12 to 2 ounces, of milk.

By the time they are two weeks old newborns usually return to their birth weight and go through at least six wet diapers and three or more diapers with bowel movements each day. Around this stage, your baby’s stomach has reached an approximately egg-sized size and can now hold 80 to 150 mL, or 2 12 to 5 ounces, per feeding. In the first month and as you go into the Maintenance Phase of your breastfeeding adventure, your newborn will probably gain 4–7 ounces on average each week.

How Often Is Breastmilk At 3 weeks?

  1. Your infant could feel the need to eat frequently throughout the first week. In the first few days, it can happen every hour.
  2. Feed your kid as frequently and as long as they desire. After a few days, they’ll start having fewer but longer feeds.
  3. During the first few weeks, your infant should eat at least 8 to 12 times or more every 24 hours, as a very general guideline.
  4. When your breasts feel full, when your baby is hungry, or if you want to cuddle, it’s acceptable to feed them. A breastfed baby can never be overfed.

If your infant is hungry, they might:

  • get agitated
  • suck their fist or make muttering noises with their fingers
  • turn their head and speak openly (rooting)
  • As a screaming baby is challenging to feed, it is best to try to feed your baby during these early feeding cues.

Steps to Take

  • On the first day, get over being born and learn how to latch.
  • Your baby should be hungry and nursing often on day two.
  • On day 3, keep an eye on your infant and your milk supply while getting ready for your first pediatrician appointment.
  • On day 4, take care of engorgement and prepare for adjustments in the baby’s bowel habits.
  • You can anticipate your baby and your body responding to nursing on day 5.
  • Start settling into a more regular breastfeeding schedule between days 6 and 10.
  • A growth spike between days 11 and 14 should be anticipated.
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