Dietary Guidelines for Your 9-Month-Old Infant: Transition from Exclusive Breastfeeding to The Introduction of Solid Foods in the Diet

Your infant should be consuming cereal, fruits, and veggies by the time they are 8 months old. They might even be learning how to eat with their fingers and drink from a cup at this age.

Between the ages of 8 and 12 months, babies typically eat three meals per day in addition to a few snacks. If you’re not nursing or utilizing breast milk, your child should continue to consume breast milk or infant formula regularly.

Transition from Exclusive Breastfeeding to The Introduction of Solid Foods in the Diet
9 months old infant

Development of Your 9 Months Old Infant

  • Your 9-month-old is probably crawling, standing by himself or herself, and possibly walking while holding onto furniture.
  • So now is the ideal time to break out the riding toys, plush toys, and any other playthings that promote physical development.
  • Some concepts include huge balls to roll, play tunnels to crawl through, and pillow stacks for the infant to climb over.
  • It’s also a fantastic opportunity to encourage your baby’s creativity by giving him or her musical toys and perhaps even some art supplies.
  • And as the baby’s brain develops, she might even be able to reply to one-step directions with gestures (such as “Give me the cup” while holding out your hand) or express desires rather than through wailing.
  • If the baby wasn’t a very early talker, the first words might also come this month, but if not, that’s alright too. They will.
  • Your 9-month-old will likely consume between 1/4 and 1/2 cup of grains, fruit, and vegetables each day (or twice a day if your baby is a big eater), along with 1/4 to 1/2 cup of dairy foods and 1/4 to 1/2 cup of protein foods.
  • Is your child not exactly matching these measurements? Do not fret. There’s no need to obsess over measurements as long as your child is gaining weight and progressing along her growth curve (remember, it doesn’t have to be precise). Allow your infant to consume as much as her tiny appetite will tolerate.
  • Speaking of appetite, there’s a high possibility it will be increasing this month, so snacking should complement the three-meals-a-day diet.
  • While eating snacks in moderation is healthy, grazing—snacking continuously without eating a full meal—is not because it prevents children from getting enough exercise, socializing, and eating nutritiously.
  • It’s a good idea to focus much more on creating healthy eating habits in general while thinking about nutritious snacks. As a result, make sure to serve lots of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and nutritious grains while limiting your intake of sweet and salty meals.

Infants Under 9 Months Old Need to Be Breastfed

Your infant needs between 750 and 900 calories per day between the ages of 8 months and one year. 3 Breast milk ought to provide roughly 450 calories or half of that. Each day, 450 calories are equivalent to roughly 24 ounces (720 ml) of breast milk. By continuing to nurse your child or giving them breast milk in a bottle throughout the day, your child will benefit from breast milk.

Breastfeeding Only

Long after the age of six months, breastfeeding continues to enhance a child’s health and development in numerous ways.

As a result, several professional groups advise continuing breastfeeding after the first year

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) advises continuing breastfeeding for a year or more while introducing supplemental foods after the first 4 to 6 months of exclusive breastfeeding. The World Health Organization (WHO) suggests continuing breastfeeding for at least two years. Breast milk by itself won’t give your baby all the nutrition they need to thrive after the first six months or so.

An infant who is breastfed exclusively for eight months or more risks serious malnutrition. In this situation, a youngster may breastfeed continuously to supplement the nourishment that their food is lacking.

Breast milk should be a component of a more balanced diet even though it is still vital and useful beyond six months. Additional foods that are rich in essential minerals like iron, protein, and zinc are needed for your youngster.

Additionally, delaying the introduction of solid foods may make the transition more challenging. Starting between four and six months old, start introducing new foods to your baby’s diet gradually. By the time they are 8 months old, your child will be eating a range of nutritious foods and snacks thanks to this technique.

Feeding Periodicity

You can nurse your kid between the ages of 8 and 12 months in the morning, before naps, following meals and snacks, and at bedtime. If your child is terrified, upset, or hurt, it is still OK to breastfeed them for consolation.

Give solid foods first at mealtimes and snacks, then nurse later. Thus, your child is encouraged to consume at least some solid foods.

If you breastfeed your baby first, he or she may become full-on breast milk and lose interest in the solid foods you are feeding.

Scheduling a Sample Meal for Your 9 Monthly Old Infant

Here is an example feeding and breastfeeding schedule for a child between the ages of eight and twelve months:

Breastfeed or drink 4 to 6 ounces (120 to 180 mL) of breast milk in a cup or bottle when you first wake up.

meal plan for 9 months old infant
Weekly meal plan for your 9 months old infant

Early Meal

  • Cereal, 2 ounces (60 mL).
  • 2. oz. of fruit
  • 4 to 6 ounces of breast milk or breastfeeding
  • Breakfast Snack
  • Fruit or vegetables weighing two ounces
  • Small dishes
  • Offer a sippy cup of water.
  • Afterward, a meal
  • 2 ounces of meat, cheese, or yogurt
  • Vegetables, 2 ounces
  • Breastfeeding or 4–6 breast milk production
  • Snack in the Midday
  • Fruit or vegetables weighing two ounces
  • Small dishes
  • In a sippy cup, water

Afternoon Meal

  • 2 ounces of lean meat or poultry for protein
  • Vegetables, 2 ounces
  • 2. oz. of fruit
  • 2 ounces of starch, such as potatoes, pasta, or rice
  • Breastfeeding or 4–6 breast milk production

Breastfeed or give 6 to 8 ounces of breast milk before bed.


You are ultimately responsible for deciding when to stop breastfeeding. You have the option of continuing to nurse your child after the first year of weaning them off the breast while keeping pumping breast milk for them.

A different combination of any (or all!) of your alternatives, as well as switching to infant formula, are other options.

You can choose the feeding strategy and schedule that works best for you, your child, and your family as long as they are receiving the nutrition they require.

A Word from Us

Between the ages of 8 and 12 months, you and your baby will benefit from continuing to breastfeed. Beyond the age of six months, however, breast milk is insufficient to provide for all of your baby’s nutritional needs.

As your child develops, they will require a balanced diet, which includes nutritious meals and snacks in addition to your breast milk. Nevertheless, each kid is unique.

At this age, kids don’t always eat consistently. Some 8-month-olds enjoy eating solids and may easily adhere to a feeding plan, but some require longer to adjust to eating snacks in addition to three meals each day.

Even the same child can exhibit these variations. Your infant might happily eat solids one day and prefer breastfeeding the next. Continue being patient and extending breastmilk along with food.

Keep in mind that you don’t have to solve everything by yourself. Your child’s pediatrician can give you advice on what your child should eat and when to introduce new foods to them.

Maintaining your routine well-baby checkups can help you both stay on track and make sure your child is receiving all the nutrition they require to grow up healthy and strong.

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